Home Masses
Tuesday, 22 October 2024
Tips for Reading PDF Print E-mail

Reading in Church


Never read unprepared.

Understand what you read.

Biblical names or unfamiliar words in the text? Ask in good time; don't guess.

Speak the text out loud in preparation.

Vary your pace, mood, inflection and projection.

Don't rush! The congregation will need a moment to absorb each theme.

At the Lectern

Check the Lectionary and the microphone beforehand.

Be clear on when you have to come forward to read.

Take your time walking up to, and down from, the ambo.

The Actual Reading

Don't start too soon. Wait till everyone is ready.

Talk to the congregation, not the microphone.

Look at the congregation occasionally, to gain its attention.

Slow down! You read faster than you think you do.

Speak slowly, but not softly.

If you cannot be heard, the Word of God cannot be heard.

What is communicated is not what is said, but what is heard.

The Response

Pause before you say: "This is the word of the Lord".

Do not say 'response' at the end of the verse of the Psalm.


Remember, the Word of God has to be proclaimed, not endured.