Home Masses Rushwee
Thursday, 13 February 2025
Rushwee Church

The Church of St. Patrick, Rushwee

Rushwee Sanctuary
(Click on each pic. on this page for a useful link)

In his history (Diocese of Meath: Ancient and Modern) Fr. Anthony Cogan states that Rushwee chapel was built by Father O'Hanlon (1795-1823). Tradition tells that this chapel was thatched until 1838, when it was slated. On the "Night of the Big Wind", in 1939, it was the only building in the locality left undamaged.

In 1958, Fr.Frank Moran P.P.(1945 -1963) made improvements to the church.

Heretofore, entrance to the choir gallery was by a flight of stone steps, and by a door on the outside of the building. This door was closed and the stone steps removed. New stairs were put in place to give access to the gallery from within the church. The work was carried out by John Reilly, Stackallen, now deceased.

In 1997, a project to have both Rushwee church and Grangegeeth church painted and decorated was put in place. Scaffolding was erected and the work began on Rushwee Church on June 23rd.

                                                   Sacristan:  Bridie Reilly 046-9024231

Ministers of the Word

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Organist and Choir

Altar Society

Stained Glass Windows of the Church
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Click each window to enlarge

Concelebrated Mass in Rushwee

Gernonstown Old Church Click for link
St Patrick - Patron of Rushwee Church First Communion 2006  • Rushwee Cemetery Inscriptions
Rushwee Church Organ Donation First Communion 2007  • Stackallen Cemetery Inscriptions
Stackallen School Concert 2007 First Communion 2008  • Gernonstown Cemetery Inscriptions
Photo Galleries First Communion 2009 Confirmation 2007
  First Communion 2010 Confirmation 2009
 First Communion 2016 First Communion 2011 Confirmation 2011
 First Communion 2014 First Communion 2012 First Communion 2013