Home Prayer Card Prayer Ministry
Wednesday, 23 October 2024
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Rathkenny Parish Prayer Ministry

In the year 1973 Fr. Tom Kenny had a Conversion Experience during a priests' retreat directed by Fr. George Kosicki S.J. Father Tom returned to his parish in England with new enthusiasm for renewal. The conversion and renewal he had experienced in his personal life he wanted for all his parishioners. So he called a meeting for Sunday afternoon to be held in the parish church. At three o'clock he exposed the Blessed Sacrament in the monstrance. There were between thirty and forty people in the church in response to his announcement.

For some time they filled the church with praise of the Lord present among them.

Eventually Father signed up all present as official ministers of prayer to intercede for the needs of his parish. These needs, as he understood them, had to do with dwindling numbers in the school; children not being baptised; only four or five from every one hundred people were attending church; sacraments were being neglected and ignored.. . .The newly formed ministers were asked to give praise and to ask Jesus to intercede with His Father for a response to the identified needs. The form of prayer would be important for those involved:

1) It was to be "focused prayer"

2) Prayer for serious matters.

3) Jesus is the Intercessor

4) The Prayer of Praise to be central.

Focused prayer requires that we put aside our own needs during this time of prayer, and pray with one voice for a particular need of the parish.

The prayer of 'Praise' acknowledges the power of God to meet our needs.

When distractions enter in....put them down on paper to be dealt with at another time!! This gives 'intercession' a chance. Jesus knows our most pressing needs. We trust Him and praise Him all the way.

Fr. Kenny gave each person present on that Sunday a PRAYER CARD and all present promised to pray for the welfare of his parish. Wonderful things have been happening there since.

Encouraged by the Lord's response to the prayer of praise and the power of His intercession for the needs of Fr Tom's parish, a Prayer Ministry was introduced to Rathkenny in November 2002.

Click on prayer card to join us each day as we give due praise to our God.

Patron of Parishes