Home Church Calendar
Saturday, 27 July 2024

Events for Friday 8th March 2024

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St John of God

Starts 00:00 Ends 00:05


1495-1550, Saint John of God heeded the word of God when he was already forty years old, and from then on lived at the service of the sick in Granada, Spain. Before that, he was successively a farmer, soldier, and merchant. He founded what would become known as the Order of Brothers Hospitallers of Saint John of God, a congregation devoted to the infirm in soul and body.


St Senan

Starts 01:05 Ends 01:59


Born near Kilrush, Co. Clare, the son of a prosperous farmer. Studied at the monastery of Kilnamanagh. Founded a monastery on Scattery Island near Kilrush, on the Shannon Estuary. He was anamchara to Ciarán of Clonmacnois and St Brendan. Died in 544.

Scattery Island Proposal