Friday, 20 September 2024
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time PDF Print E-mail

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Mark 6: 1-6       Rejection at Nazareth

Gerry Boyle PP 046-9054138

Bishop Deenihan, in line with Government instructions, cancelled Confirmation last Thursday. This is a blow for the boys and girls and their families and thank you for your prayers for them at last weekend’s Masses. Please keep them in your prayers and please trust that this is all for the best motives to keep us safe.

Masses this weekend and in the coming week:

Saturday       6.30pm Rushwee            
                     7.30pm Rathkenny           Hal Weldon
Sunday       10.00am Grangegeeth       
                   11.30am Rathkenny           Mattie O'Brien (First Anniversary)

Monday             9am Rathkenny         
Tuesday        7.30pm Grangegeeth      
Wednesday        9am Rathkenny
Thursday      7.30pm Rushwee            
Friday           7.30pm Rathkenny          Coilin Owens 

Saturday       6.30pm Rushwee             James and Mary O'Halloran
                     7.30pm Rathkenny           
Sunday       10.00am Grangegeeth      
                   11.30am Rathkenny           James and Bridget Grant

From Today's Liturgy
In light of St Paul asking God to take away his flaw, but finding God helping him deal with it, this anonymous reflection is relevant:

I asked for strength and God gave me difficulties to make me strong.
I asked for wisdom and God gave me problems to solve.
I asked for prosperity and God gave me brain and brawn to work.
I asked for courage and God gave me dangers to overcome.
I asked for love and God gave me troubled people to help.
I asked for favours and God gave me opportunities.
I received nothing I wanted but everything I needed.

Sincere Thanks
. . . to all who are helping with cleaning and stewarding. and to our sacristans.

Please contact me if you can help, and if you are a new volunteer you would be most welcome.

Online Donations
Online donations can now be made to parish and diocesan collections
via the Diocesan website HERE
Thanks to all who have returned envelopes, for parish funds, priest’s offerings and Trócaire, over the past few weeks.