Friday, 20 September 2024
Sixth Sunday of Easter PDF Print E-mail

Sixth Sunday of Easterlove
Gerry Boyle PP  046 9054138

Churches reopen for Masses and services from Monday 10 May.
Thanks to all our efforts and sacrifices normality is beginning to return. Deepest appreciation for every sacrifice and effort made.

Monday            9am       Rathkenny

Tuesday       7.30pm       Grangegeeth  Nicholas Carpenter
Wednesday       9am       Rathkenny
Thursday     7.30pm       Rushwee        Noel Kennedy
Friday          7.30pm       Rathkenny     List of the dead
Saturday      6.30pm       Rushwee
                    7.30pm       Rathkenny
Sunday      10.00am        Grangegeeth
                  11.30am        Rathkenny

Lord, May our church be for your family a house of salvation and a place for the celebration of your heavenly sacraments. Here may the Gospel of peace resound and the sacred mysteries be celebrated, so that your faithful may merit to reach the eternal Jerusalem. There, gather all your children scattered around the world.

Sincere thanks to all who helped with cleaning and stewarding last year. Please contact
me if you can continue (no pressure) and if you are a new volunteer, you would be most welcome.
Meeting of cleaners after Mass in Rathkenny (9.20am) Wednesday 12 May.
Meeting of stewards after Mass in Rathkenny (8pm)     Friday        14 May.

Pope Francis is encouraging us to say a Rosary each day in May for an end to
the pandemic. A Rosary will be said online from a Marian shrine.

Government guidelines for religious services are available at the back of the churches.
They are:
-   2 meters social distancing,
-   masks and hand sanitizer to be used,
-   separate
entrance and exit,
-   no meeting up before or after Mass,
-   stewards to assist.
Also, 1st
Communions and Confirmation are not to take place at this time. Bishop Deenihan has asked us to postpone 1st Communion until September and we have decided to do so. Confirmation will proceed when it is safe to do so. Thank you for your patience.

Online Donations
Online donations can now be made to parish and diocesan collections

via the Diocesan website HERE
Thanks to all who have returned envelopes, for parish funds, priest’s offerings and Trócaire, over the past few weeks.

Easter Blessing
May the Lord bless you this Easter time:
Bless you with faith, guard you against doubt
Bless you with hope, uplift you in despair;
Bless you with love,keep you from fear;
Bless you with race, calm you in trouble;
Bless you with mercy, help you to forgive
Bless you with joy, comfort you in sorrow;
So that your heart may rejoice in the Risen Lord