Thursday, 13 February 2025
3. Holy Communion PDF Print E-mail

Part 3 HOLY COMMUNION - the food that transforms us into Him

The great obstacle to union with God is sin. Obtaining pardon and removing all traces of sin, prepares us for a closer and more intimate union with God. The wall of separation, that keeps the sinner from enjoying the divine life, crumbles and is no longer an obstacle, when pardon is sought and reconciliation acquired.


The fundamental disposition for priest and congregation is to strive to share the sentiments shown by Jesus on the Cross, and now renewed on the Altar. Realize what you do, and imitate the victim you offer.


When we receive Holy Communion we receive the real and physical Body and Blood of Christ, together with His Soul and Divinity. We are then tabernacles wherein He lives. More, there exists between Jesus and ourselves a union similar to that existing between food and him who eats it------with this difference, however, that it is Jesus that transforms us into Himself and not we who transform Him into our substance. This is a union that sows in the flesh the seed of everlasting life.

1) Be free from serious sin. Without this freedom to receive Holy Communion would
be for us a sacrilege.

2) Strive to accomplish the duties in life in a way that pleases Jesus.

3) Sincere humility, based on the sanctity of Jesus Christ, makes us more ready for this union with God.

4) Acknowledging our weakness we need to have a strong desire to be united to God in the Eucharist. Such a desire will open our minds and hearts to Him Who in turn desires to give Himself to us.

5) Acts of thanksgiving, adoration, surrender to Him, reverence, and intercession are appropriate responses at this special time of union with The Lord. Moments of listening attentively, as we reflect on some Gospel-texts, focus on
some virtue, and then another, are moments to relish and cherish.

Finally, God has generously and lovingly given us a share in His Divine life in Baptism. It is our lifetime task to foster this life and make it grow. As the branch to the vine, let us freely adhere to our God as He gives Himself to us in the Eucharist.


Eucharistic Adoration